Changing Up My Morning Routine.

Mornings aren't really my thing. I usually wake up at 10, lay around for another hour or so in bed before getting up and eating a S'mores Pop Tart or Lucky Charms for breakfast. To say I need to make some changes in my morning routine is an understatement. So for todays post I wanted to create and share a list of goals for changing up my morning routine. If you have any tips on how to become a morning person I'd love to hear them in the comments!

  • Go to bed before midnight and set an alarm for 9 a.m. (baby steps haha)
  • Read the Bible, a book or magazine first thing in the morning instead of looking at phone.
  • Wash and cleanse face promptly after getting out of bed and use the Puristry Flower Water Toner and Seaberry Moisturizer to feel fresh and ready for the day.
  • Take time to make a somewhat healthy breakfast such as eggs, oatmeal etc.
  • Make a cup of coffee and write a to-do list for the day ahead.

Now let's see if I can stick to these goals! Wish me luck ;)

Puristry products c/o and are available at Anthropologie.

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